Careers in scaffolding

Help and Support

Not sure where to start? Here are some answers to the most common enquiries:


The level of experience that you require is dependent on the role that you have applied for. However, to start a career as a professional scaffolder specifically, the key requirements are having the right attitude and aptitude.

NASC employers support their staff with training and the majority cover the cost, with the expectation that the employee will commit their future to the company for a period agreed with the employer.

Please discuss this with your employer as part of the interview process

Flexible working is at the discretion of the employer and depends on the nature of the role being applied for.

NASC employers are very supportive of apprenticeships. The role that you apply for will clearly indicate whether it is an apprenticeship position.


Uploading a vacancy is an extremely simple process for NASC members.

On both the ‘Home’ and  ‘Apply Now’ pages of the Careers Portal, their is an ‘Upload a Vacancy’ block. Once that is accessed you will be asked to input your NASC membership user ID and password. This will then lead you to a form that you populate with the details of your vacancy and within the hour, your vacancy will be available for the world to see.

Please note that you can access the Careers Portal through the members area on the main NASC website. If you have accessed the site through this route you will not have to enter your membership user ID and password as it will be pre-populated.

Yes. Anyone that has registered an interest in any of the roles on the Careers Portal is agreeing that an employer can get in touch with them to discuss an opportunity.


If you are an organisation that would like an NASC employer to visit you please access the ‘Careers Events’ page of the Careers Portal and complete the form that you will find in the block at the bottom of that page titled, ‘Promote your careers event’.

Click on the ‘send your event details’ hyperlink and complete the form. If you have not received a response within 7 working days directly from a NASC employer please email and someone will be in touch within 48 hours.

NASC employers are working businesses and extremely busy, but are extremely committed to raising the profile of this amazing sector. It is therefore advisable to plan and request visits well in advance so as to increase the likelihood that an employer being available to attend your event or indeed, to arrange a bespoke visit.